When 19th Century Writers Play Mage: the Ascension

(September 1819 - February 1820)

The Players:
The Storyteller is Samuel Taylor Coleridge (age 48), who is a Cultist of Ecstasy
Christabel Alphea, a soft-spoken and seemingly innocent Verbena. is played by Fanny Brawne (age 18), who is Cultist of Ecstasy.
Clara Byron, a young Etherite searching for revenge for her mother's murderer, is played by Mary Shelly (age 22), who is a Dreamspeaker.
Draw Pasid, a bold and adventurous Cultist of Ecstasy, is played by William Blake (age 63), who is a Dreamspeaker.
Homer Psyche, a Euthanatos who kills as his slain Avatar/lover directs him, is played by John Keats (age 25), who is a Hermetic Mage
Walter Smollett became a Celestial Chorister after his parents' death Awakened him, and is played by Nathaniel Hawthorne (age 16), who is a Verbena
Allan Masters is a wealthy Hermetic Mage and professional vampire hunter who is played by Edgar Allan Poe (age 11), who is a Euthanatos

The First Session

September 4, 1819

Sam: Draw, you were out drinking in Edinburgh very late last night. You don't remember much of the evening, nor can you through the huge hangover you have at the moment. You wake up in a small cot in a large, white room.
Bill: I touch my breast pocket. Is my whiskey flask still there?
Sam: No.
Bill: Damn. So much for my Life focus. I'm going to squint in the light and try to sit up. What does the room look like?
Sam: As you sit up, a lampshade falls off your head and rolls under the cot. The room you are in looks like an old-fashioned hospital ward, the kind with rows of beds on either side of the room. You are not the only person in the room. There are half a dozen other patients in here.
Bill: Any women?
Sam: Absolutely not. There is a large crucifix at either end of the room, though. It might be a mission hospital of some kind.
Bill: I murmur, 'Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion.'
John (ooc): If that were so, shouldn't there be more women in here?
Bill (chuckling)(ooc): I suppose there would be.
Bill: Do I feel well enough to get out of bed?
Sam: Not really. You might manage it on a Stamina+Streetwise, dif 6.
Bill: Sure. (rolls) One success. Is that enough?
Sam: Fine, but you can't move very fast.
Bill: That's okay. I'm going to find a bathroom and relieve myself. Could I use Correspondence Sensing to find my way there without getting lost? I'll use a staggering gait as my focus. Should be coincidental. I'm a drunk looking for a bathroom, and we always find one eventually, even if it doesn't seem like a bathroom to everyone else...
Sam: That would work in your paradigm, I suppose. Cor 1, dif 4. 2 Suc.
Bill: (rolls) Got 'em.
Sam: Alright. Homer, you wake up from nightmares of Mel's murder. You are in a hospital bed. You have a vague memory of killing a man Mel identified as marked for death. He fell without a struggle, but the commotion attracted the Edinburgh constabulary, and you were shot trying to escape from there. You somehow made your way to a mission hospital before you passed out, so that must be where you are now.
John: Are there any noticeable wounds still bothering me?
Sam: You right leg is wrapped up in a bandage, but the pain is only a dull throb.
John: I assume they took my knives.
Sam: Afraid so.
John: Figures. Did they at least leave me my cigarettes?
Sam: Yeah. There on the nightstand by your bed. Matches, too.
John: Excellent. Could I use Entropy 1 to find out the seriousness of the damage?
Sam: That would require Life 1.
John: I don't have that, yet. I'll pocket the cigarettes and matches for now. Can I just limp out of bed?
Sam: Dex+Athletics, dif 6
John: (rolls) Look at that! Four successes! I could do handsprings across the room with that.
Sam: Don't push your luck, Homer.
John: I won't. I'm going to look for a kitchen or dining area under pretense of being hungry. If I can get away with it, though, I want to pocket as many knives as I can comfortably conceal. Butcher knives. Steak knives. Butter knives, if necessary.
Nate (ooc): Focus?
John (nods emphatically)(ooc): Yeah. Forces focus. Don't leave the hospital without it. Constables might have a description out on me already if Sam has forgotten my Arcane 3 already...
Sam: I haven't forgotten.
John: Good. Then I'm going to go find some knives. Breakfast might be a good idea, too.
Sam: Sounds good. Allan, you wake up in a hospital cot after a close call with a pair of ghouls nearly killed you. You have a vague memory of a young man rescuing you and bringing you here.
Ed: I scream something about not letting anyone bury me alive, and grab the nearest potential weapon.
Sam: Homer and Draw, you both hear this maniac screaming as he picks up his bedpan and wields it as a crude club, contents dripping on the hospital floor.
Everyone: Ew!
Ed: Stay back! I'm armed, and I'm a master of all weapons! I don't fear no fucking leeches!
Bill: I shrug and continue on to the bathroom. I come back out after everything has calmed down.
Sam: Walter, as you are heading upstairs to check on the most recent admissions to the missionary hospital, you come upon the scene we have been gradually describing.
Nate: I approach the man wielding the bed pan. "I assure you, there is nothing to fear from us here."
Sam: Allan, you recognize the young man as the one who rescued you from the ghouls.
Ed: I calm down and put the bed pan down, but I'm keeping it close enough to use it at any moment. "Who are you?"
Nate: "My name is Walter Smollett. I brought you here to Serenity Hospital. You nearly died on the streets of Edinburgh."
Sam: By the way, Allan. Your side is bandaged up. You can still feel the pain of your injuries.
Ed: "Thanks, Walter. I'm Allan. Leech-busting is a hobby of mine. It's a bigger thrill than New England whaling. Let me tell you."
Nate: "Would any of you care for dinner? You must be hungry after your trials."
John: Homer's eye's glint like the wheel hubs on Apollo's chariot. "Why yes I would. Lead on, Walter."
Bill: Draw comes out of the bathroom, arriving just as food is mentioned. "Count me in, too. Might want to start with something light, though, like dry toast." Draw squints in the light. "Speaking of dry toast, do you have any whiskey in this hospital? I think it's time for my medicine."

ST (Sam) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Draw (Bill) - William Blake
Homer (John) - John Keats
Walter (Nate) - Nathaniel Hawthorne
Allan (Ed) - Edgar Allan Poe