Name: Yum - Y - PIL - 6 Service Group: HPD&MC Secret Society: Humanists (seek to place the Computer back under the control of humans) Mutant Power: Regeneration Team Role: Medic Max HP: 5 Current HP: 5 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 11 Agility: 10 Moxie: 20 Chutzpah: 15 Mutant power: 10 Endurance: 11 Mechanical Aptitude: 13 Agility Skills: 2 Brawling: 2 Melee Weapons: 2 Sneak: 2 Grenades: 2 Chutzpah Skills: 3 Bootlicking: 8 Bribery: 3 Con: 8 Fast Talk: 3 Forgery: 8 Intimidation: 3 Motivation: 8 Psychescan: 3 Spurious Logic: 3 Dexterity Skills: 2 Energy/Laser Weapons: 2 Field Weapons: 2 Projectile Weapons: 6 Vehicle Weapons: 2 Sleight Of Hand: 2 Mecha Skills: 3 Military Bots: 3 Civilian Bots: 8 Vehicle Brains: 3 Habitat Engineering: 3 Jurryrigging: 3 Ground Vehicles: 3 Air Vehicles: 3 Vulturecraft: 3 Moxie Skills: 4 Bioscience: 9 Chemistry: 4 Data Analysis/Basic Computer use: 4 Demolitions: 4 Electronics: 4 Medical: 10 Mechanical: 4 Nuclear Engineering: 4 Security: 4 Survival: 4 Equipment: Bouncy Bubbly Beverage (6) Clipboard with Team Medical Records Drug, Happy Pills (1440 doses, lasting 1 hour each) Drug, Hormone Suppressants (36 doses, lasting 12 hours each) First Aid Kit (+2 to Medical checks) Medical Bag Pencil (Yellow #2) Personal Hygiene Kit Plasticord (1 meter) Rations, Compact (2 days) Rectal Thermometer Weapons: Yellow Laser Pistol - Damage L8; Range 50m; Ammo 6 Armor: Yellow Reflec (L4) Experimental Weapons and Equipment: Dart Gun - Projectile weapon that fires hypodermic needles - Damage by drug; Range 20m; Ammo 24 Experimental Drugs - -50 Happys -6 Tranquilizers -6 Regeneratives -6 B-Toxins -6 A-toxins -12 Vaccines