Name: James - B - OND - 6 (Goes by Jim - Y - BND - 6 to hide his identity) Service Group: Int Sec (cover is PLC) Secret Society: First Church of Jesus Christ Computer-Programmer (believe the Computer is God) Mutant Power: Levitation Team Role: Int Sec Plant (cover is Chief Engineer) Max HP: 5 Current HP: 5 Strength: 10 Dexterity: 12 Agility: 17 Moxie: 14 Chutzpah: 17 Mutant power: 10 Endurance: 10 Mechanical Aptitude: 5 Agility Skills: 4 Brawling: 9 Melee Weapons: 9 Sneak: 12 Grenades: 4 Chutzpah Skills: 4 Bootlicking: 4 Bribery: 4 Con: 4 Fast Talk: 4 Forgery: 4 Intimidation: 9 Motivation: 4 Psychescan: 11 Spurious Logic: 4 Dexterity Skills: 2 Energy/Laser Weapons: 7 Field Weapons: 2 Projectile Weapons: 2 Vehicle Weapons: 2 Sleight Of Hand: 2 Mecha Skills: 1 Military Bots: 1 Civilian Bots: 1 Vehicle Brains: 1 Habitat Engineering: 1 Juryrigging: 1 Ground Vehicles: 1 Air Vehicles: 1 Vulturecraft: 1 Moxie Skills: 3 Bioscience: 3 Chemistry: 3 Data Analysis/Basic Computer use: 3 Demolitions: 3 Electronics: 3 Medical: 3 Mechanical: 3 Nuclear Engineering: 3 Old Reckoning Cultures: 3 Security: 8 Survival: 3 Equipment: Backpack Binoculars Bouncy Bubble Beverage (6) Camera Film for Camera Flashlight Notepad (yellow legal pad) Pen (red) Personal Hygiene Kit Plasticord (1 meter) Rations, Compact (2 days) Super Gum (5 sticks) Sunglasses (mirrored lenses) Water Flask (1 liter) Weapons: Yellow Laser Pistol - Damage: L8; Range 50m; Ammo 6 Yellow Laser Rifle with Sniper Sight - +2 Laser/Energy Weapons skill; Damage: L9; Range 100m; Ammo 6 Armor: Yellow Reflec - L4 Kevlar - P3 Experimental Weapons and Equipment: Multi-Rifle - This weapon has several different settings: -Stun -Kill -Armor Piercing -Nuke Head-Mounted Digital Multicorder - This device will allow the posterity officer to document the mission from beginning to end. It transmits sound and video, and the posterity officer is encouraged to narrate his feelings on each of his experiences on this very important mission for the Computer.